September 2019

September 26, 2019

Legionella Testing in the Hospitality Industry

Legionella Testing in the Hospitality Industry A Massive Problem, Nationwide First recognized in the 1976 outbreak in Philadelphia area hotels, Legionnaires’ disease afflicts 8 to 18 thousand people each year. This number may underestimate the true incidence since cases are likely underdiagnosed.  The bacterium Legionella pneumophila is responsible for the majority of cases of Legionnaires’ disease. It causes a severe […]
September 10, 2019

Testing Well Water for E. coli

Testing Well Water for E. coli Annual Testing is Recommended You may think of well water as old-fashioned, however more than 13 million homes in the U.S. draw their water from private wells, and approximately 800,000 new wells are drilled annually. Pennsylvania ranks second, behind only Michigan, as having the largest number of households with private wells, almost a million. […]